Help Session with a Librarian

Sunderland Public Library is pleased to offer Help Sessions with a Librarian. These sessions are designed to provide personalized reference services for our patrons. We are happy to sit down with you to help with research, teach you how to use technology, help apply for a job, and more. Please fill out this form or contact the library, and a librarian will be in touch with you shortly to schedule your appointment.

    Why can’t the library help without an appointment? As a small library with a small staff, we don’t always have enough staff available to spend an extended period of time with patrons providing assistance. We are always happy to provide quick help any time, but for more complex or detailed assistance an appointment may be necessary. Signing up for an appointment in advance ensures we have a staff member available at a convenient time for you who is aware of your needs and prepared to help. It allows us to provide a better service to you, since we have time to understand and research your particular needs, and can match you with the staff member best suited to help you.

    Other Resources for Help:

    General Assistance:

    • Community Action: Community Resources & Advocacy – Provides financial help for heat, utilities, rent, move-in expenses. Helps with SNAP and Health Insurance applications. Connects to other resources. Resource advocates will continue to offer resources and referral by phone at 413-475-1570
    • Look 4 Help – Find resources for food, mental health services, health care, domestic violence, clothing, legal help, and more in Franklin, Hampshire, and the North Quabbin Region at
    • Mass 211 – help provided 24/7 by dialing 211. Provides assistance with housing, homelessness, food security, mental health, domestic violence, and utility assistance.
    • Survival Center – They do offer assistance in filling out forms and finding housing, health insurance, SNAP, and fuel assistance. They used to have dedicated time for assistance with job applications, and may still have resources to help with this. (413) 549-3968
    • WEB DuBois Library at UMass, Amherst: As a Massachusetts resident you are able to sign up for a library card and use the UMass Amherst Libraries. They have a large reference team and library staff who are likely available to help. (413) 545 – 2623 or
    • Boston Public Library: Boston Public Library is the Library of the Commonwealth, meaning as a resident or employee in Massachusetts you are able to get a library card, a digital library card, and receive help and services from Boston Public Library.
      • Reference Help: Reference help is available online, in person, or by phone. Email:, visit:, or call: 617-536-5400.
      • Register for an eCard: You can sign up for a BPL eCard, which is a free library card that provides you with access to all of the digital resources offered by the BPL. Visit:

    Job Application and Career Assistance:

    Technology Assistance:

    • Holyoke Public Library regularly offers Computer Basics classes for free. 
    • Harvard Skills Base – a website created by Harvard University that offers free online computer basics, job search, and ESL for job seekers courses.